LAWS1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intellectual Property, Mark Law, Trade Secret

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5 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Intellectual property (ip) is a form of intangible creation such as the expression of an idea or a trade mark. It is a product of intellectual effort rather than a physical manufacturing process. Intellectual property law grants a business the right to prevent others from copying, using or exploiting its ip without its permission. Multiple categories of ip rights: name/logo - protected by trade mark law. Lecture 8: moral justifications: innovators are given protection by ip law because they are morally deserving in their own right as a consequence of their efforts, regardless of the value of their efforts to the community. Three requirements for protection: the creation is a "work" or "subject matter other than works"; Literary works the expression of an idea in the form of text. Eg. ) a book, an article, an email, written information, an advertisement, a manual, song lyrics.