PSY1011 Study Guide - Reticular Formation, Detection Theory, Subjective Constancy

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Perception in which the way we perceive a stimulus doesn"t match its physical reality. Detection of physical energy by sense organs, which then send information to the brain. The brains interpretation of raw sensory inputs. Sensation allows us to pick up on signals in our environments and perception then allows us to assemble these signals into something meaningful! First step in sensation is converting external energy into a language the nervous system understands. Specialized cell that is responsible for converting external substances into neural activity for a specific sensory system. Activation is greatest when a stimulus is first detected. The study of how we perceive sensory stimuli based on their physical characteristics. 2 types, qualitative method (description stimulus + recognise object) (used for brain injury) Lowest level of a stimulus needed for the nervous system to detect a change of 50% of the time. Demonstrate how remarkably sensitive our sensory systems are.