PSY1022 Final: Research strategy and design

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A research strategy refers to the general approach and goals of a research study. Observational studies: can collect qualitative and/or quantitative data. Involves observing participant behaviour: can yield important information on behaviours and what precedes them, can be made in a naturalistic or laboratory setting, researchers can be an active participant or a non-participant, disguised or undisguised. Supports reliable predictions from one variable to another. Involves systematically manipulating an independent variable to examine its effects on a dependent variable: controlling/limiting extraneous variables so that a cause-and-effect relationship can be established. Quasi-experimental method: also attempts to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, does not involve random assignment due to the nature of the variables being investigated, pre-existing groups are used, more difficult to establish cause-and-effect. Non-experimental method: examining and describing a relationship without explaining it, can be used for prediction, e. g. cross-sectional design, longitudinal designs. Involves observation of and interaction with participants to obtain data usually in the form of written accounts.