LAW4170 Study Guide - Final Guide: Settlor, Carbon Footprint, Climate Change Denial

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9 Aug 2018

Document Summary

These notes should be read in conjunction with the hd answer that will be posted on blackboard as soon as possible. You must read these notes and the hd answer before making an individual appointment to see your lecturer. Note: the course no longer covers incomplete gifts in detail and present/future property as these are now done in equity. This exam has more depth on that issue. Question 1 concerned identification of the type of trust, breaches of duty and discussion of remedies. Overall, this question was reasonably well done, with the most problems being encountered in relation to remedy. You were told that the deed was properly drafted and a bank account established for the trust. There were no issues of whether the donation money was future property" which had to be assigned; or whether the subject matter was sufficiently certain. The core issue regarding validity was whether this was a trust for people or purposes.