ATS1310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Environmental Hazard, Poverty Reduction, Social Capital

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Document Summary

Resilience: the ability of a person/group to anticipate, cope with, resist, and recover from the impact of a hazard (and to get back to normal" structures and functions build back better) Capacity: the full set of skills, knowledge, resources, and links of a person/group to anticipate, cope with, resist, and recover from a hazard. Social capital: having the services & access to recourses which helps society. Factors that determine vulnerability/capacity/resilience at a household scale (natural, financial, human, social, and physical capital) Access to government or ngo services & assistance. Potential for self-organisation/recovery within community (e. g. leadership, networks) Ability to use local experience & skills to adapt/improve for future (e. g. local, cultural knowledge: adopt diverse (reinforcing) approaches, depending on what issues are. Better understand problems & causes that allow vulnerability to progress. Prioritise & sequence actions to reduce vulnerability long-term (planning) Monitor & evaluate impact of risk-reduction programs. Increase community awareness of hazards & appropriate responses.