NEUR30004 Final: Workshop-W313_HemisphAsymmetry_17 (1)

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NEUR30004 Sensation, Movement & Complex Functions Split Brain Studies
Student Worksheet 2020-10-05
Sensation, Movement & Complex Functions
Language & Reading
Student Worksheet
W313 Workshop
Language and Reading
Learning Objectives
1. Discuss features of human language performance and review the structure of language
2. Study several examples of aphasia (acquired language disorder), looking at the varying effects on
expression and comprehension
3. Explore additional aspects of reading as an advanced language capacity
4. Carry out and interpret some experiments on reading sentences and words
Copyright Notice: “Diagrams and images have been provided to you pursuant to section 49 of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) for the
purposes of research or study. The contents of the material may be subject to copyright protection under the Act. Further dealings by you
with this material may be a copyright infringement. To determine whether such a communication would be an infringement, it is
necessary to have regard to the criteria set out in Part 3, Division 3 of the Act.”
A - Acquired Language Deficits
A stroke or other focal lesion in the dominant hemisphere commonly results in aphasia the disruption
of language processing that impairs comprehension, word selection, sentence formulation and language
expression in varying combinations.
1st video example On a scale of 0 10, rate this person for:
Fluency? 0 (mute)
10 (rapid speech)
Accuracy? 0 (all words wrong)
10 (all words correct)
Sentence formation? 0 (total failure)
10 (excellent)
Aware of problem? 0 (no idea)
10 (fully aware)
Case 1: What brain lesion location do you expect has caused this alteration?
2nd video example On a scale of 0 10, rate this person for:
Fluency? 0 (mute)
10 (rapid speech)
Accuracy? 0 (all words wrong)
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Document Summary

Copyright notice: diagrams and images have been provided to you pursuant to section 49 of the copyright act 1968 (the act) for the purposes of research or study. The contents of the material may be subject to copyright protection under the act. Further dealings by you with this material may be a copyright infringement. To determine whether such a communication would be an infringement, it is necessary to have regard to the criteria set out in part 3, division 3 of the act. A stroke or other focal lesion in the dominant hemisphere commonly results in aphasia the disruption of language processing that impairs comprehension, word selection, sentence formulation and language expression in varying combinations. 1st video example on a scale of 0 10, rate this person for: 2nd video example on a scale of 0 10, rate this person for: