LAWS50027 Final: Dispute Resolution - Negotiation/Mediation/Arbitration Notes

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Introduction to dispute resolution 2 (cid:494)a false dichotomy(cid:495): hilary astor & christine chinkin 2. Approaches to managing and resolving conflict: christopher moore 3. Productivity commission 2014, access to justice arrangements pm 7. Introduction to dispute resolution (cid:858)a false dichoto(cid:373)y(cid:859): hilary astor & christi(cid:374)e chi(cid:374)ki(cid:374) Litigation is the dominant method of dispute resolution in western culture ; not in the statistical sense, but in the sense of it permeating popular culture, drama, literature, architecture and art. But in asian cultures, litigation is the regrettable last resort and usually adr used". Adr is now found within the formal justice system; the relationship between litigation and adr is now. Reasons why people do not seek formal/ informal justice: even where dispute raises legal issue, citizens do not have recourse to lawyers or law base of pyramid occupies by grievances never resulted in legal claims b/c: People may either not perceive that law is relevant.