DTN201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Basal Metabolic Rate, Equestrianism, Accordion

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17 Jul 2019

Document Summary

The impact of various physical activities is often described and compared in terms of mets: one met is defined as a rate of oxygen (o2) consumption and is 3. 5ml/kg/min in adults. The energy equivalent of oxygen is 5kcal (20. 9kj)/l consumed. However this underestimates daily energy expenditure as factors such as excess post- exercise oxygen consumption" (epoc) which is typically an additional 15% and the thermal effect of food (tef). Tef accounts for about 10% of food energy. Therefore the impact of a given activity is: number of mets x minutes x 0. 022kcal/kg/min x kg body weight, where 0. 22kcal/kg/min = 0. 0175 kcal/kg/min x 1. 15 percent (epoc) / 0. 9 percent (tef) Physical activity level (pal) are figures that are extrapolated from mets and are defined as ratios of total energy expenditure (tee) to basal metabolic rate (bmr) or basal energy expenditure (bee). Table 6: intensity and impact of various activities on physical activity level (pal) in adults*