HPS121 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Impulsivity, Reserpine, Bilateral Cingulotomy

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Explore the four issues that guide developmental research: nature versus nurture. Is development a product of hereditary (nature), or. Explain the different designs used to conduct developmental research. Compares different age groups at the same point in time. Cohorts grew up during different time periods & differences may be due to environment rather than age. Repeatedly tests the same cohort as it grows older. Costly, time-consuming, subjects may drop out of study or die as years pass. Mass of cells attach to uterus 10-14 days after conception. Placenta develops - contains membranes that pass nutrients from mother"s blood to umbilical cord. Umbilical cord contains blood vessels that transport nutrients to & waste from embryo. Bodily organs, facial features & systems develop - heart beating by end of week 8. Foetus grows, strengthens & develops major organs, systems and muscles. Foetus attains age of viability at 27 weeks. Explain the effect of different teratogens in prenatal development.