MIRA2002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Patella, Intercondylar Area, Minimal Surface

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Ankle and knee joints on one or more ap projections. Long axis of leg aligned with long axis of collimation. Head of fibula should slightly overlap lateral tibial condyle. Medial mortise joint of ankle should be open. Trabecular detail and soft tissue for the entire leg is seen. Distal fibula is superimposed by posterior half of distal tibia. Midshaft of fibula is not superimposed by tibia. Medial femoral condyle demonstrated posterior to lateral condyle if leg is extended. Positioning: no rotation will be evident by the symmetric appearance of the femoral and tibial condyles and the joint should be superimposed by the tibia, the intercondylar eminence will be seen in the center of the intercondylar fossa. Area covered: the distal femur and proximal tibia and fibula are shown, the femorotibial joint space should be open, with the articular facets of the tibia seen on end with only minimal surface area visualized.