LAWS11-211 Study Guide - Gkn, Statutory Authority, Rebuttable Presumption

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31 Aug 2013

Document Summary

Assault requires a direct threat, which intentionally or negligently creates a reasonable apprehension of imminent contact to the body of the plaintiff: a threat, words, acts, can be conditional threats. Intentionally creates a reasonable apprehension: zanker v vartzokas, a young woman accepted a lift from the accused. While the van was moving, the accused accelerated the vehicle saying: i"m going to take you to my mate"s house. False imprisonment: direct, total restraint of liberty. In order for restraint to be total, there must be no reasonable means of escape. Bird v jones: note that restraint does not have to be the result of physical force; i. e. , it can be based on a submission to another power, i. e. , psychological restraint. Yes, he was compelled by the authority of the police officer: or, contract. Balmain new ferry co ltd v robertson. Herd v weardale: dickinson v waters.