MGMT2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jargon

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21 May 2018
Effective Business Presentations
Plan well
Structure their presentations
Build rapport with audience
Consider learning styles - visual and non-verbal cues.
Tailor presentations to the audience.
Preparing for a Presentation
Prepared speakers are often more effective.
Preparation helps you to build confidence in your ability to present.
Use of humour and personal experience often needs preparation.
Preparation is required to ensure that time is managed well.
Note that group presentations require much more preparation than individual ones.
Find out how many people are expected to turn up and why they are attending.
Arrive early.
Find out about technology and have a backup.
Confirm that everyone in the audience can hear you.
Perhaps the least considered element but one of the most important.
Factor in breaks, pauses, nervousness and changeovers.
General Structure
About yourself
Brief outline of the presentation.
Note you can gain/lose attention from audience in the first 2 mins.
Body (80%)
Present your main points.
Do’t give too uch iforatio.
Provide additional information in handouts.
Use connecting phrases, eg: in addition, that connect the main ideas.
Summarise the main points.
Flags to the audience that the presentation is ending.
Suitable endings include: 'in conclusion', 'to sum up', 'finally'.
Always conclude with a 'thank you' to the audience.
First Impressions
Weighted more heavily than the information received.
Composed of:
1. How you enter the room. Visualise successful communication (eye contact, dress, movement), and
positive self-talk.
2. Non-verbal confidence - posture, voice (loud, clear, varied in pitch and pace), handshake.
Basic Persuasive Presentation Techniques
The role of a persuading presentation is to influence the beliefs and attitudes of an audience. Four
1. Rhetorical questions
2. Quotations famous or humorous quotations, or surprising statistical information.
3. Anecdotes
4. Personal testimony emotional connections along with logical argument helps in effective persuasion.
General Tips
Use simple, clear vocabulary.
Avoid jargon and long, complicated explanations.
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