
Q1: Please revise the following paragraph for clarity and conciseness

Due to the fact that access to internet resources is actually at the present time very easy to access in many places, electronic devices have become more and more portable and convenient, providing nearly constant (and ever more efficient) access to the Internet and a diverse range of software applications and digital media. With this ease of access, technology is playing an increasingly large role in our mental lives, it serves as a form of “extended cognition”. This situation can be viewed as a double-edged sword in a way that although it allows us to communicate, learn, and entertain ourselves, it also makes it difficult to avoid doing so even when engaging with technology is likely to distract from other ongoing activities. Notifications which are built into smartphones and other e-devices can serve as intrusion on three of our five senses, with lights, tones, and vibrations each beckoning us to extricate ourselves from our current tasks and engaging instead with the device. Even in the absence of notifications, internal and external cues (a thought about work or a social relationship, something brushing against your pocket, noticing others on their phones, etc.) provide regular reminders of the opportunity for engagement with the digital world.

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