
Learning Objectives

After successfully completing this assignment, students will be able to:

  • Configure, run, and test a linux server in AWS' EC2
  • Configure, run, and test a Windows server in AWS' EC2
  1. Create an Ubuntu 20 LAMP server in EC2 like we did in class.
  2. Verify your that Apache was installed by opening your browser and enter the public dns of your server in the address bar. If it does not connect either you did not add HTTP to the Security Group, or the install did not work properly. Take a screenshot and save it (for submission below).
  3. The default location of html and php files is /var/www/html. Change to that directory. Now, using your favorite text editor use sudo to run your editor and create a file in that directory named info.php. For example, sudo nano info.php Then enter the following in that file to show information about the PHP installation: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Save the changes to the file and exit the editor.
  4. Now in your browser, enter the public dns of your server in the address bar / info.php. For example, my public dns was ec2-54-89-230-235.compute-1.amazonaws.com, so I enter  as the url. Take a screenshot and save it (for submission below).
  5. Create a Windows 2016 Server, like we did in class.  
  6. Login to it using Remote Desktop.  Take a screenshot of Remote Desktop connected to your Windows Server and save it (for submission below).
Clean Up

Now that you have completed the assignment, stop or terminate your EC2 instances. Stopping them means that it is now longer running, but your data is saved. That means you will not accrue charges on your running server. Terminating will both stop and delete the instances (also not accruing charges).

What to Submit
  • Screenshot of Apache page on your server shown in your browser
  • Screenshot of the PHP info page on your server shown in your browser
  • Screenshot of Remote Desktop session to your Windows Server

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