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Computer Science2

Nametso is a News Reporter for Sunshine News Network, which means that her smartphone is very important to her when working on field. It is also her communication device and she uses it for online banking via an App that requires her to turn on location. Sometimes she works at the office and uses the work computer to access her emails, transfer field work material from her smartphone, blog on her private cooking website, and browse general things of interest on the Web. She also does community news production for a non-profit organization for sheltered women. The role involves posting on the organization’s social media page and administering their WhatsApp group. — All of which is available to the public.

Lately, Nametso’s has been having suspicions that her ex-boyfriend Maxwell is stalking her, but she is not yet sure if it is him. She received 40 email messages from an email address [email protected] pleading with her to reconcile, some were threatening. “YouaremineXYZ’ appeared as a fake profile on a social media application requesting for friendship, and Nametso declined it. The profile later commented on one of Nametso’s timeline stories with a nude picture of her. Then the relentless phone calls came with hidden caller identities and WhatsApp messages from an unknown number. As Nametso’s friend and having established a new private investigation firm called Gaborone Cyber Detectives (GCD), how can you help her gather evidence that can open a strong case of cyber stalking to the police?

  • How will you go about collecting the evidence for a compelling case allegation?
  • Develop a format for a digital forensic report, by listing and describing all the basic elements that will be used in your new establishment, GCD (the type of format that is suitable for a court of law).
Answer: As a new establishment, Gaborone Cyber Detectives (GCD) will use a sta...

Please show examples of the output window

Write a program using studentdata.txt Download the file and paste it into your NetBeans project at the root of the project This file contains hundreds of records where each record contains a student's S-number and their gpa. Your program must read the id number and gpa and transfer the data into two separate arrays. You can assume there will never be more than 1000 students in the file. Use two additional arrays to complete the requirements of the program create a simple diagram called a histogram to show how many students fall into each of 8 different categories showing how data is distributed across a range. For each student in the input file displaying their S-number, gpa, and class rank. You will have to calculate their class rank. the data contains grade point averages, the histogram will include 8 categories of gpa: 0.0 <= gpa < 0.5, 0.5 <= gpa < 1.0, 1.0 <= gpa < 1.5, 1.5 <= gpa < 2.0, 2.0 <= gpa < 2.5, 2.5 <= gpa < 3.0, 3.0 <= gpa < 3.5, 3.5 <= gpa <= 4.0 the histogram might look like is: 0.0 to 0.49 (48) **** 0.5 to 0.99 (82) ******** 1.0 to 1.49 (65) ******* The number in parentheses represents the total number of students that fall within that category. Each * represents 10 students rounded to the nearest 10. display the student id number, the gpa, and the student’s class rank. The class rank is indicating the number of students who have a better gpa if the student's rank is 27, it means that there are 26 other students who have a gpa that is better than the student with rank 27. output all the students in the order they are in the input file such as : S316542   3.45    27   S29463 1.42     801     S969870     2.75      T64 with 8 others the rank for the last student indicates T64 which means that there are 63 students with a gpa better than this student. It also indicates that this student's gpa of 2.75 is the same as 8 other students program should also work with any input file assuming it will never contain more than 1000 students. project folder must use my input file when submitting the program

Answer: Step-by-step explanation:import;import

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