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Computer Science1Chemistry1

Write a lab report that includes the title, purpose, and conclusion

The final activity is to view some Chemistry demonstrations and document the activity and its results. This will be your lab report.

Directions: Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Go to the link below to view demonstration videos.

Step 2. Choose three videos from the web site. You should view each videos several times.

Step 3. After a preliminary view of the videos, look at the document below. This document includes the information that you should document when you either view demonstrations or conduct experiments. It also includes the rubric so you will understand how to earn points.

Step 4. Now that you have chosen your video demonstrations, take one demonstration at a time. View the video again, taking notes carefully. After you are certain that you understand the concepts of the demonstration you are ready to write your report. Use the guide below to write your reports.

A. The title is the name of the demonstration video. The title should concisely describe the basic concept that is demonstrated in the lab activity.

B.Purpose - State the purpose of the lab beginning with the following words, To determine:

C.Hypothesis -State the hypotheses of the lab. (The hypotheses should be an 'if/then' statement.)

D. Equipment -List the equipment used in the lab. Procedure – List the procedure used in the lab. Data Table – List the data that is generated from the demonstration. You may want to create a data table. You may also create a bullet list.

Conclusion – Write 3 paragraphs that include the following information:

Paragraph 1:

a. Introduction: State the experiment

b. State the purpose of the lab

c. State the hypotheses.

d. State the outcome

Paragraph 2:

e. Discuss at least 2 sources of error that could happen: give a detailed explanation of each and how this may affect the collected data.

Paragraph 3:

f. Conclusion: provide a final summary of the demonstration.


Answer: Step-by-step explanation: Title: Chemical Reaction Demonstrations Purp...

you're going to see 1 on the terminal because the index is 1.

print("Hello World"[1]) # Output: e

The float function is used to convert a string to a float value.

first = float(input("Enter the first number: "))

We can also change this expression to first + second, which is another way to write this piece of code.

The lower method is used to convert a string to lowercase or to find a character or a sequence of characters.

string = "Hello World"print(string.lower()) # Output: hello worldprint(string.find('o')) # Output: 4print(string.replace('o','a')) # Output: Hella Warld

The in operator can be used to check if a string contains a character.

string = "Python is a programming language for beginners."print('language' in string) # Output: True

Arithmetic Operators in Python

Python has various arithmetic operators that we can use, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).

print(10 + 3) # Output: 13

We also have an augmented assignment operator in Python that means incrementing a variable by a value.

x = 5x += 3 # Output: 8

Operator precedence in Python is similar to math, but we can always use parentheses to change the order of operations.

x = 10 + 3 * 2 # Output: 16

Multiplication and division have a higher order, so they are evaluated first. That's why the answer is 16.

x = 10 + 3 / 2print(x) # Output: 11.5

When we print x, we get 11.5.

x += 3print(x) # Output: 14.5

When we run x += 3, we get 14.5 as the result. When we run x == 13, it will store False in the x variable.

x = 1000 # Output: 1000

Answer: Step-by-step explanation: Yes, that's correct. When we assign the valu...

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