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Architecture3Project Management3History21Law19Management10English30Anthropology3Astronomy1Business18Science6Electrical Engineering1Sociology3Geography1Nursing2Psychology2Communications1Ethics2Information Technology3Algebra6Computer Science6Accounting6Calculus1Biology13Mathematics5Statistics4Physics36Finance4Chemistry31
Answer: All plants share certain basic parts that are essential for their surv...
Answer: The development of computers can be broadly categorized into different...
Answer: Newton's third law of motion, often referred to as the law of action a...
Answer: Title: Causes, Effects, and Strategies for Mitigating Air and Water Po...
Answer: I can provide some analysis on the potential importance of the mention...
Answer:To determine the equivalent resistance of a circuit, we need more infor...
Answer: Historical Background of Human Resource Management in Ethiopia: Human ...
Answer: The term "catalyzed" refers to the process of catalysis. Catalysis is ...
Answer: A. Document A provides the best evidence to support the claim that NAT...
Answer: Black History Month can highlight the untold history of Black Canadian...
Answer: The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, a notable figure in Canadian hist...
Answer: One example of continuing efforts by African Americans to gain civil r...
Answer: Claim: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) remains relevant ...


Directions: Read each question carefully and examine the identified sources. Write the letter of the response that best answers each question on the line provided.


Claim: NATO’s activities in Iraq and Afghanistan reinforces the national security interests of the United States.


_____  1. Which document provides the best evidence to support this claim?

Document A

Document B

Document C

Document D


_____  2.  Which of the following best captures the message presented in Document B?

NATO allies are not contributing enough to NATO defense operations.


The United States is not contributing enough to the NATO defense.


NATO military equipment is superior to gear used by its opponents.


The United States and NATO allies contribute equally to NATO defense.


_____ 3.  Which document provides the best evidence to support the message of Document B?

Document A

Document C

Document D

None of the documents presented support the message of Document B.


_____  4.  Which statement from Document A best characterizes the purpose for the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?

“The parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations…”


“They seek to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area.”


“The Parties refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force…”


“They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty…”



Answer: Which document provides the best evidence to support this claim? The b...
Answer: The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) in Ethiopia has experienc...
Answer: The purpose of Human Resources (HR) in organizations has evolved over ...
Answer: Adjusting focus is an important lesson in entrepreneurship as it empha...
Answer: Motivation refers to the internal or external forces that drive indivi...
Answer: Introduction: Human resource management (HRM) is a vital part of organ...
Answer: Without freedom of speech, it would be difficult to fully enjoy the ri...
Answer: Losing my most prized possessions and people would be an incredibly di...
Answer:In a charged conducting material, electric power resides on the outer s...
Answer:Of the given options, Sulphur has the lowest melting point.
Answer:(A) Planck's constant
Answer:The instrument for measuring the blueness of the sky or ocean is called...
Answer:(B) Candela.
Answer:The normal temperature of the human body is 98.6Ā°F or 37Ā°C.
Answer:The correct answer is (C) Silver.
Answer:The correct answer is (C) Centripetal force. When a car moves on a circ...
Answer: A person suffering from myopia needs eyeglasses that correct the condi...
Answer:Light year is a unit of distance, specifically the distance that light ...
Answer:(C) Village is not a unit of mass.
Answer:The stick appearing crooked in water is due to refraction. Refraction i...
Answer: Furthermore, the right to life and personal liberty is another fundame...
Answer: There are three main types of business ownership: sole proprietorship,...
Answer: I can help you with that! The Great Pizza & Pasta Place is a resta...
Answer: Chemistry is a broad field that encompasses many different branches or...
Answer:The success and profitability of a business depend on various factors, ...
Answer: As of 2021, the most popular programming language is still Java, follo...
Answer: Dear Mother, As I sit to write this letter to you My heart is filled w...

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