


shuchi shuklaI.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University

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History1Anthropology7Astronomy4Psychology4Communications2Geometry1Computer Science9Statistics2
Answer: Occupational segregation refers to the unequal distribution of men and...
Answer: Some popular travel destinations around the world include: Paris, Fran...
Answer: Java is a popular programming language that is used for a wide range o...
Answer:An iceberg is a big chunk of ice that has separated from a glacier or i...
Answer: if you are looking for a battery for a smartphone, you might be intere...
Answer: An individual's creativity, imagination, and emotions are expressed th...
Answer: A robot is a machine or device that is designed to perform tasks autom...
Answer: It is an arithmetic operation. Lille, 10/2=5 here / sign represents th...
Answer: Painting is a beautiful feeling blueprint, whatever we assume just pri...
Answer: A country is a geographical area or political entity that has a unique...
Answer: The sun is a star, yes. More specifically, it is a yellow dwarf star, ...
Answer: Hello, IF have any doubts feel free to ask. #let'slearntogether.
Answer: Python code: def gcd(a, b): if b == 0: return a else: return gcd(b, a ...
Answer: Python program def arithmetic_progression(start, limit, step): ap_list...
Answer: Here's a Python program to get the cumulative sum of the elements of a...
Answer:The sound of the electric can opener is an example of UCS (Unconditione...
Answer: It is totally based on a person's preference and choice. However, I ca...
Answer: The t-distribution and the Normal distribution are both probability di...
Answer: The number of survey respondents is considered the sample size, and it...
Answer: There are several ways to communicate, such as:Verbal communication is...
Answer: The process of communicating information, concepts, and messages betwe...
Answer: 1. Astrology is the study of the positions and motions of celestial ob...
Answer:Education is the process of obtaining knowledge, skills, values, belief...
Answer: Love is a beautiful feeling, that motive you encourage you build you I...
Answer: Here's the complete code of the given problem statement: # Ask the use...
Answer:The longest river in India is the Ganges, also known as The Ganga. It i...
Answer: The complete Python code to display the current date and time: import ...
Answer: To write a Python program to calculate the sum of the digits of a numb...
Answer: The complete code to find the volume of a sphere based on the radius b...
Answer: Based on the given diagram,Step-by-step explanation:STEP-I Angle a is ...

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