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Dictionary in Python


Devin explains how to use dictionaries in Python to create a dictionary in Python.. He explains how the concept of dictionaries is used in the language of Python.. The concept is that you have a key and a value so every value will have a special key given by you not normal numbers. if you want to fetch a particular value you have to use key and in this case the key is 4 so if I say enter you can see the garage that 's how we use it we have to specify the key to face the values not just for we can also specify one it will give me Naveen, but what if if i give a value like 3, you caught an error right now why you caught the error is because we don't have any key with 3 right. Navin explains how to create a dictionary with the help of least so let me create to least here. Naveen loves Python children, Harsh loves Java and Harsh loves Python and Java. [UNK] "i do n't know why love this name data so this data will be a dictionary of a combination of key and value".



You have to use dictionary as a function and if you say enter I hope it will work so if I print if I try to print data, you can say record the output, so we got Naveen Python, Kiran, Java and Harsh Javascript. if you want to understand bit of advanced concepts. Here we can have our dicks as a value in the dictionary itself. Java Java Se it it is it 's netbeans and then I will give a comma and here I will say Java Ee. In this case I will be using Java ee. Java ee is that simple so from Java. I want to specify Java Ee and you got eclipse so yeah it is cool to. Python dictionary in Python can be used for storing data in this format. When you have key and a value pair. I hope you enjoyed this video let. me in the comments section and do subscribe for the videos Bye Bye Bye. work with right so we have dictionary in Python and you can use it for storing the data..

Answer: A dictionary in Python is a data structure that allows you to store ke...
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