


Isabella37New York University

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Architecture3Project Management2History70Law33Management1English33Philosophy1Anthropology1Business19Science4Electrical Engineering1Sociology3Geography3Nursing3Psychology6Communications1Ethics3Information Technology2Algebra3Computer Science6Accounting5Calculus4Biology90Mathematics2Statistics5Physics5Finance3Economics76Chemistry20
Answer: The first ruler of the Pala dynasty was Gopala. 👍
Answer: The first to establish regular trade with India were the ancient civil...
Answer: The molar mass of cobalt is 58.93 g/mol. To calculate the number of mo...
Answer: The king of Kalinga during the Maurya period was King Kharavela. He ru...
Answer: The sea route to India was discovered by the Portuguese navigator Vasc...
Answer: The Treaty of Seringapatam was signed on March 18, 1792, between the B...
Answer: Ashoka, the Mauryan emperor, conquered the kingdom of Kalinga in the y...
Answer: Chand Bibi was a prominent female Muslim ruler of the Deccan region in...
Answer: The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France to the United ...
Answer: The House of Lords is the name of the upper house of the Parliament of...
Answer: The brightest star in our solar system is the Sun. It is a yellow dwar...
Answer: The first President of the United States was George Washington. He ser...
Answer: The shape of the Milky Way galaxy is approximately like a spiral. It h...
Answer: The first time that airplanes were used in war was during World War I,...
Answer: Among the different types of seismic waves, P-waves (primary waves) tr...
Answer: The fear of books is called bibliophobia. It is an anxiety disorder ch...
Answer: The oldest known city in history is widely believed to be Uruk (modern...
Answer: The Second Round Table Conference was held in London, England, from Se...
Answer: "Springing Tiger: A Study of a Revolutionary" is a biographical work o...
Answer: The biographical memoir of Allan Octavian Hume was written by William ...
Answer: The first President of the All India Muslim League, which was founded ...
Answer: The first President of the All India Muslim League, which was founded ...
Answer: The world's first newspaper, called "Acta Diurna" (Latin for "daily ac...
Answer: The "Gift of the Nile" is a phrase used to describe the ancient civili...
Answer: The construction of the Colosseum in Rome was started by Emperor Vespa...
Answer: The name of the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima,...
Answer: The Russian revolutionary who founded the Communist Party was Vladimir...
Answer: The term "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" is associated with the Fr...
Answer: The statement "man is a political animal" is attributed to the ancient...
Answer: The oldest civilization in the world is generally considered to be the...
Answer: The founder of scientific socialism is generally considered to be Karl...
Answer: The first railway train to carry passengers and freight began operatio...
Answer: The American Revolution began in 1775. It was a period of political an...
Answer: The period in medieval western Europe that is sometimes referred to as...
Answer: The French Revolution began in 1789. It was a period of political and ...
Answer: The first person to sail around the world, completing a circumnavigati...
Answer: The civilization associated with the "Laws of Twelve Tables" is ancien...
Answer: The "Glorious Revolution" is a term used to describe the events that t...
Answer: The first test tube baby was Louise Brown, born on July 25, 1978. She ...
Answer: According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, love is com...

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