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Answer: In hydrophilic head of the phospholipid bilayer the nitrogenous compou...
Answer: O2Step-by-step explanation:Oxygen is the most abundant element on Eart...
Answer: Aluminum cannot rustStep-by-step explanation:Aluminum cannot rust. Thi...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:Heat is the form of energy that is transferre...
Answer: MitochondriaStep-by-step explanation:It Providing energy to carry out ...
Answer: StapesStep-by-step explanation:Stapes is smallest bone in the human bo...
Answer: All isotopes of an element have the same number of protons and electro...
Answer:Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an odorless, colorless gas. It is a waste produ...
Answer:A cell is defined as the smallest, basic unit of life that is responsib...
Answer:electronegativity value of most noble gases zero Step-by-step explanati...
Answer: 12.22 joulesStep-by-step explanation:Work done = force * distance = 47...
Answer: Real gases are non-ideal gases whose molecules occupy space and intera...
Answer: femur bone Step-by-step explanation: The femur is the strongest bone, ...
Answer: Prevalence will increaseStep-by-step explanation: A change in the dura...
Answer:the balloon will shrink Step-by-step explanation:The frozen balloon con...
Answer: Density = 2.1g/cm^3Step-by-step explanation:Density = mass in gm/volum...

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