1 May 2018

A hydraulic has two pistons. Piston 1 has a radius of 0.7 cm andpiston 2 has a radius of 2.5 cm.

a.) Determine the area of piston 1.

b.) Determine the area of piston 2.
____________ cm2

c.) Determine the theoretical mechanical advantage (TMA) of thehydraulic.

d.) What does Pascal's Principle say?

1.The total amount of volume remains constant.

2.The pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmittedundiminished throughout the fluid and to the walls of thecontainer.

3.Fluid tends to flow faster where the pressure is lower.

4.The force per unit area.

5.The amount of fluid displaced by an object is equal to the volumethat has been submerged in the fluid.

6.The buoyant force on an object wholly or partially submerged in afluid is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.

e.) A pressure of 130 Pa is applied at piston 1. As a result, howmuch pressure will be exerted at piston 2?

f.) For a hydraulic, why does the actual mechanical advantage (AMA)tend to be less than the TMA?

1.Because of friction between the pistons and the walls of thehydraulic.

2.Because liquid is compressible.

3.Because of air drag.

4.Because it's impossible to deliver electricity at a constant rateto the hydraulic.
g.) What can be done to make the AMA closer to the the TMA?

1.Use superconductors.

2.Use a gas instead of a liquid.

3.Use a lubricant.

4.Make it more aerodynamic.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
2 May 2018

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