4 Aug 2019

Satellites feel the gravitational pull of the earth. They remainin orbit because of their velocity, which acts to counteractgravity. (The satellite wants to fly out in a straight line, butgravity forces it to curve towards the earth.) Consider acommunications satellite that needs to be 39000 km above theEarth's surface.

(a) Assuming the satellite travels in a perfect circle, what is theradius of the satellite's travel. (The radius of the earth is 6375km.)

(b) At the satellite's altitude, the acceleration of gravity is0.193 m/s2. What is the magnitude of the tangential velocity thatthe satellite must have to remain in orbit?

(c) How much time will the satellite take to orbit the earth?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
5 Aug 2019

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