
This applet shows six disks rotating with constant angular acceleration. No two have the same initial angular velocity and angular acceleration. To answer the following questions, number the disks starting from the top. That is, call the yellow disk "1" and go sequentially down to the red disk, which will be "6". In the following questions, you will be asked to determine whether the disks' angular velocities and accelerations are positive, negative, or zero. Keep in mind that angular velocity is considered positive if rotation is in the counterclockwise direction. Angular acceleration is positive if the rotation is in the counterclockwise (positive) direction and the angular speed is increasing, or if rotation is the clockwise (negative) direction and the angular speed is decreasing (thus the angular velocity is becoming less negative). Negative angular acceleration is defined analogously.


Part A

Which of the disks have positive initial angular velocity?

Write down the numbers, in order, that corresponds to the disk(s)

Part B

Which of the disks have negative initial angular velocity?

Write down the numbers, in order, that corresponds to the disk(s)

Part C

Which of the disks have zero angular acceleration?

Write down the numbers, in order, that corresponds to the disk(s)

Part D

Which of the disks have positive angular acceleration?

Write down the numbers, in order, that corresponds to the disk(s)

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Supratim Pal
Supratim PalLv10
20 Oct 2020

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