
The circuit in the diagram consists of a battery with EMF , a resistor with resistance R and an ammeter and voltmeter. The voltmeter and ammeter can be considered as ideal that is their resistances are infinity and zero respectively. The current in the resistor is I and the voltage is V. The internal resistance of battery is not zero.

A) What is the ammeter Reading I? Express your answer in terms of E, R, and rint.

B) What is the voltmeter reading V? Express your answer in terms of E, R, and rint.

C) What is the power PR dissipated in the resistor? Express your answer in terms of I and V.

D) Again, what is the power PR dissipated in the resistor? This time, express your answer in terms of one or more of the following variables: Irint, and R.

E) What is the total power Ptotal dissipated in the resistive elements of the circuit, in terms of the EMF E of the battery and the current in the circuit? Express your answer in terms of E and the ammeter current I.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
24 Mar 2020

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