27 Nov 2019

1. The magnitude of the force the sun exerts on Uranus is1.41X10^21 newtons. Explain how it is possible for the sun to exerta greater forceo n Uranus then Neptune
exerts on Uranus.

8. A 2.0 kg object is falling freely near Earth's surface. What isthe magnitude of the gravitational force that Earth exerts on theobject?
a) 20 N B) 2.0 N C) 0 N D) 0.20 N

9. Gravitational force F exists between point objects A and Bseparated by distanace R. If the mass of A is doubled and distanceR is tripled, what is the new gravitational force between A andB?
A) 9/2 F B) 2/3 F C) 2/9 F D) 3/2 F

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
22 Feb 2019

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