23 Nov 2019

The barrels of the 16-in guns (bore diameter = 16in = 41cm ) on theWorld War II battleship U.S.S. Massachusetts were each 15m long.The shells each had a mass of 1400 kg and were fired withsufficient explosive force to provide them with a muzzle velocityof 740m/s . Use the work-energy principle to determine theexplosive force (assumed to be a constant) that was applied to theshell within the barrel of the gun. Express your answer in both (a)newtons and (b) in pounds.
I worked part a and got it wrong. My answer was 35000 N or whenrounded to 2 significant figures, but it is wrong. Please solve allthe way through for both a and b.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
11 Mar 2019

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