23 Nov 2019

Walking by a pond, you find a rope attached to a tree limb 5.2 moff the ground. You decide to use the rope to swing out over thepond. The rope is a bit frayed but supports your weight. Youestimate that the rope might break if the tension is 84 N greaterthan your weight. You grab the rope at a point 4.6 m from the limband move back to swing out over the pond. Assume your weight to be650 N (about 145 lb).
(a) What is the maximum safe initial angle between the rope and thevertical so that it will not break during the swing?

(b) If you begin at this maximum angle, and the surface of the pondis 1.2 m below the level of the ground, with what speed will youenter the water if you let go of the rope when the rope isvertical?
2 m/s

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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