23 Nov 2019

Ironman steps from the top of a tall building. He falls freely fromrest to the ground a distance of . He falls a distance of 3 in thelast interval of time of 1.2 of his fall.

Hint: First, compute the velocity when Ironman reaches the heightequal to the distance fallen. This requires that you do thefollowing: define origin as the bottom of the building. Then usex-x0 = -v0*(t-t0)-(1/2)g(t-t0)^2 where x=0 and x0= (distancefallen) and t-t0 is the time interval given. In this formulation,you are going to get magnitude of v0 since you already inserted thesign.

You then insert v0 that you just calculated into the kinematicequation that involves v, g, and displacement (v^2-v0^2 =2g(height-(distance fallen)), but now v (which is the finalvelocity is v0 from above) and v0 in this case is the velocity thatthe Ironman has when he begins to fall, which is 0.

This gives a quadratic equation for height h, and you will need touse the binomial equation to solve for h. Choose the larger of thetwo solutions.

What is the height of the building?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
15 Aug 2019

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