23 Nov 2019

1-Light with a frequency of 7.24 x 1014 Hz strikes the surface of apiece of metallic sodium.

What is the energy (in eV) of each photon of this light beam?

2-Light with a frequency of 6.71 x 1014 Hz strikes the surface of apiece of metallic sodium.
For sodium, the energy needed to tear an electron out of the metalsurface, or work function, is 2.46 eV.

What is the maximum kinetic energy (in eV) that an electron mayhave after being knocked out of the surface by a single photon inthe beam described above?

3-An electron coasts into a region where an electric field ispresent and eventually comes to rest. If the electric potentialchanged by 2.8 V from the entry point to the stopping point, whatwas the original kinetic energy (in eV) of the electron?

4-What is the longest wavelengths (in nanometers) that we can useto knock electrons out of sodium?

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
6 Mar 2019

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