23 Nov 2019

I have tried to figure this out a few times, but I keep getting thewrong answer. I thought it would simply be the integral for both,but no luck. For (a) I tried At + (1/2)Bt2, At + (1/2)Bt2 + C, andAt + (1/2)Bt2N + ?. Not really sure what to do from here. Any helpis appreciated.

A shaft is turning at angular speed ? at time t = 0. Thereafter,its angular acceleration is given by
a = A + Bt

(a) Find the angular speed of the shaft at time t. (Use anyvariable or symbol stated above as necessary.)
?(t) = ?

(b) Through what angle does it turn between t = 0 and t? (Use anyvariable or symbol stated above as necessary.)
?? = ?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
15 Feb 2019

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