23 Nov 2019

link to physic lap if needed http://www.physics.qc.edu/files.php

prelab 10.

a) Look at the diagram in theBasic Concepts part of the lab, under Equilibrium. Two forces acton opposite ends of a uniform rod of mass m and lengthL, in opposite directions. The rod is supported by afulcrum at the center, which is the axis of rotation. The force andtorque exerted by the fulcrum on the rod are

F = mg + F,τ = 2FL

F = mg + F,τ = FL/2

F = 0,τ = 0

F = 0,τ = 2FL

F = mg,τ = 0

F = mg,τ = 2FL

F = 0,τ = FL

F = mg + F,τ = FL

F = mg,τ = FL

F = mg + F,τ = 0

F = 0,τ = FL/2

F = mg,τ = FL/2

b) In procedure 2, you balance the ruler. Ifthe density of the ruler increases without changing its dimensions,the ruler will

tiptoward m1

beunbalanced, but the direction depends on the hanging masses, themass of the ruler, anddistances

tiptoward m2

still be balanced

c)In procedure 3, you balance the ruler. If the density of the rulerincreases without changing its dimensions, the ruler will

tip away fromm

still be balanced

tiptoward m

beunbalanced, but the direction depends on the hanging mass, the massof the ruler, and distances

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
20 Apr 2019

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