23 Nov 2019

in biological applications concerned with population growth, anequation is used that is similar to the exponential equationsencountered in the analysis of RC circuits. applied to a number ofbacteria , this equation is

N(final)= N(initial)2^n

where N(final) is the number of bacteria present after n doublingtimes, N(initial) is the number present initially, and n is thenumber of growth cycle or doubling times. doubling times varyaccording to the organism. the doubling time for the bacteriaresponsible for leprosy is about 30 days, and that for thesalmonella bacteria responsible for food poisoning is about 20minutes.suppose 10 salmonella bacteria find their way onto a turkeyleg after your thanksgiving meal. four hours later you come backfor a midnight snack . how many bacteria are present now?

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