23 Nov 2019

An electron that has a horizontal initial speed of 4.50 106 m/senters a region that has an electric field of 120 V/m pointingvertically upward.
(a)How long does the electron take to travel 20 cm in thehorizontal direction?

(b) In this same time, what is the vertical displacement of theelectron? Treat up as positive.


I am having trouble the second portion of this problem. Heres mywork so far:

I calculated the force by F= (1.60E-19J)(120 V/m)=1.92E-17N

Then I calculated the acceleration: a= (1.92E-17N)/(9.11E-31kg)=2.1E13 m/s2 upward

Using the equation: Y=Voyt + (1/2)ayt^2

Y= (0) + .5(2.1E13 m/s^2)(4.44E-8)^2

Answer: 2.6 cm is wrong

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
4 Feb 2019

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