23 Nov 2019

Q 1;

Figure 1.0a shows anelectric dipole in a uniformelectric field with magnitude 5.0× 105

N/C directed parallelto the plane of the figure.The charges are ± 1.6 ×10-19C;both lie in

the plane and areseparated by 0.125nm.


a) The net forceexerted by the field on thedipole;

b) The magnitude anddirection of the electricdipole moment;

c) The magnitude anddirection of the Torque;

d) The potentialenergy of the system in positionshown.

(a) (b)

Figure 1.0 (a) anelectric dipole (b) Direction ofthe electric dipole moment,electric field,

and torque

Q 2;

A hollow conductingsphere has no net charge. Thereis a positive point charge q atthe

centre of thespherical cavity within the sphere.You connect a conducting wirefrom the

outside of the sphereto ground. Will you measure anelectric field outside thesphere?

Q 3;

Suppose the electricfield lines in a region ofspace are straight lines. If a chargedparticle

is released from restin the region, will thetrajectory of the particle be along a fieldline?

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