19 Nov 2019

Two weights are suspended as shown in the
diagram. On the left, a weight of 74 N is
suspended from its upper-left by a string of
tension T1 angled at 51? with the horizontal.
A string carrying tension T2 is stretched be-
tween them angled at 10? with the horizontal.
On the right, the unknown weight W2 is also
suspended from its upper-right by a string of
tension T3 angled at 48? with the horizontal.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .

I need to find T1, T2, T3, and W2.
So far I derived the equations:
T3cos48° - T1cos51° - T3cos10° = 0
T1sin51° - T2sin10° - T4 = 0 (Ilabeled the tension above the 74N block T4)
T3sin48° + T2sin10° - T5 = 0 (Ilabeled the tension above the W2 block T5)
I do not know if my equations are even correct, but even ifthey were I'm not sure how to solve this.
Any help or suggestions would be greatlyappreciated.

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