19 Nov 2019

The sketch below is a side view of two capacitors consisting ofparallel plates in air. The capacitor plates are equal in area butthe plate separation differs as shown. Individual capacitors arespecified with two letters, for example UR is a single capacitor.The charge on plate U is represented by QU. The capacitors arecharged so that the potential (voltage) at A, VA, initially equals19 volts. For each of the statements choose the properresponse.

1) QT is ... QU.
2)The voltage across capacitor TS is ... thatacross capacitor UR.
3)If the plate separation for capacitor TSdecreases, the energy stored in UR will ....
4)The energy stored in capacitor UR is ... theenergy stored in capacitor TS.
5)If the plate separation for capacitor TSincreases, the charge on QU will ... .
6)QU + QR is ... zero.
7)The electric field between plates T andS is ... that between plates Uand R.
pick one for each( equal to, less than,greater than, increase,decrease,not change)
please explain in detail, i would really appreciateit

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