10 Nov 2019

1.A capacitor stores charge Q at a potential difference ΔV. Whathappens to capacitance and charge if the voltage applied to thecapacitor by a battery is doubled to 2ΔV?

Is ΔV = Voltage across a capacitor??

2.If I double the space between the plates of a parallel platecapacitor, what happens to the capacitance?

3.If I double the area of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor,what happens to the capacitance of the capacitor?

4. If the voltage across a capacitor is doubled, what happens tothe charge on the capacitor? What happens to the energy stored inthe capacitor?

Is this just the same as #1?

I only grouped these 4 since they are very similar, and #1 and 4may even be identical. I lost my notes and have no clue what todo...

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
22 Mar 2019

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