
B Short answer (25 marks total). Answers should typically be no more than 2-3 sentences in length.

1. (5 marks) Consider the long-run model of chapter 4, and suppose inflation increases. How might this affect demand for real money balances? Explain.

2. (5 marks) Define the ex ante and ex post real interest rates, and explain why they might be different.

3. (5 marks) What is the difference between the nominal interest rate and the real interest rate? As part of your answer, define these two interest rates.

4. (5 marks) In our model of chapters 9-10, we said that output was “supply-determined” in the long run, but “demand-determined” in the short run. Explain in your own words what this means.

5. (5 marks) Explain why the IS curve is downward-sloping using the goods-market approach.

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28 Sep 2019

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