
1.statement information andadditional data Selected financial forABC Corporation is presented below.

ABC Corporation

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Data

December31, December 31,

2015 2014___

Current Assets:

Cash $143,000 $119,000

AccountsReceivable 228,000 306,000

Inventory 391,000 340,000

Total CurrentAssets 762,000 765,000

Property, Plant, andEquipment 1,261,000 1,122,000

Less: AccumulatedDepreciation (476,000) (442,000)

TotalAssets $1,547,000 $1,445,000

Current Liabilities:

AccountsPayable $187,000 $102,000

NotesPayable 51,000 68,000

Income TaxesPayable 85,000 76,500

Total CurrentLiabilities 323,000 246,500

BondsPayable 350,000 391,000

TotalLiabilities 673,000 637,500

Stockholders' Equity:

CommonStock 510,000 467,500

RetainedEarnings 364,000 340,000

Total Stockholders'Equity 874,000 807,500

Total Liabilities & Stockholders'Equity $1,547,000 $1,445,000

SalesRevenue 1,615,000 $1,513,000

Less Cost of GoodsSold 781,000 731,000

GrossProfit 834,000 782,000


DepreciationExpense 153,000 136,000

Salaries and WagesExpense 391,000 357,000

InterestExpense 34,000 34,000

Loss on Sale ofEquipment 12,000 0

Income BeforeTaxes 244,000 255,000

Less Income TaxExpense 98,000 102,000

NetIncome $146,000 $153,000

Additional Information:

During the year, XYZ Corporation hadthe following transactions:

a.Sold equipment for $2,000. Theoriginal cost of the equipment was $133,000 and the related balancein the accumulated depreciation account totaled $119,000.

b.Purchased new equipment and paid$272,000 in cash.

1.statement information andadditional data Selected financial forABC Corporation is presented below.

ABC Corporation

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Data

December31, December 31,

2015 2014___

Current Assets:

Cash $143,000 $119,000

AccountsReceivable 228,000 306,000

Inventory 391,000 340,000

Total CurrentAssets 762,000 765,000

Property, Plant, andEquipment 1,261,000 1,122,000

Less: AccumulatedDepreciation (476,000) (442,000)

TotalAssets $1,547,000 $1,445,000

Current Liabilities:

AccountsPayable $187,000 $102,000

NotesPayable 51,000 68,000

Income TaxesPayable 85,000 76,500

Total CurrentLiabilities 323,000 246,500

BondsPayable 350,000 391,000

TotalLiabilities 673,000 637,500

Stockholders' Equity:

CommonStock 510,000 467,500

RetainedEarnings 364,000 340,000

Total Stockholders'Equity 874,000 807,500

Total Liabilities & Stockholders'Equity $1,547,000 $1,445,000

SalesRevenue 1,615,000 $1,513,000

Less Cost of GoodsSold 781,000 731,000

GrossProfit 834,000 782,000


DepreciationExpense 153,000 136,000

Salaries and WagesExpense 391,000 357,000

InterestExpense 34,000 34,000

Loss on Sale ofEquipment 12,000 0

Income BeforeTaxes 244,000 255,000

Less Income TaxExpense 98,000 102,000

NetIncome $146,000 $153,000

Additional Information:

During the year, XYZ Corporation hadthe following transactions:

a.Sold equipment for $2,000. Theoriginal cost of the equipment was $133,000 and the related balancein the accumulated depreciation account totaled $119,000.

b.Purchased new equipment and paid$272,000 in cash.

Prepare a statement of cash flows for the year ended December31, 2015.

Prepare a statement of cash flows for the year ended December31, 2015.

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