
Modern Building Supply sells various building materials toretail outlets. The company has just approached Linden State Bankrequesting a $300,000 loan to strengthen the Cash account and topay certain pressing short-term obligations. The company'sfinancial statements for the most recent two years follow:

Modern Building Supply: Balance sheet
This Year Last year
Current assets:
Cash $63,000 $135,000
Market securities 0 19,000
Accounts receivable, net 471,000 289,000
Inventory 935,000 597,000
Prepaid expenses 17,000 24,000
Total current assets 1,486,000 1,064,000
Plant and equipment, net 1,539,810 1,445,550
Total assets $3,025,810 $2,509,550
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities $812,000 $438,000
Bonds payable, 10% 617,000 617,000
Total liabilities 1,429,000 1,055,000
Stockholders' equity:
Pereferred stock, $25 par, 7% 255,000 255,000
Common stock, $10 par 507,000 507,000
Retained earnings 834,810 692,550
Total stockholders' equity 1,596,810 1,454,550
Total liabilities and stockholders equity $3,025,810 $2,509,550
Comparative income statemet annd reconciliation
This year Last year
Sales $5,007,000 $4,356,000
Cost of goods sold 3,866,000 3,443,000
Gross margin 1,414,000 913,000
Selling and administrative expenses 635,000 539,000
Net operating income 506,000 374,000
Interest expense 61,700 61,700
Net income before taxes 44,300 312,300
Income taxes (40%) 177,720 124,920
Net income 266,580 187,380
Dividends paid:
Preferred dividends 17,850 17,850
Common dividends 106,470 70,980
Total dividends paid 124,320 88,830
Net income retained 142,260 98,550
Retained earnings, beginning of year 692,550 594,000
Retained earnings, end of year $834,810 $692,550

During the past year, the company has expanded the number oflines that it carries in order tostimulate sales and increaseprofits. It also moved aggressively to acquire new customers. Salesterms are 2/10, n/30. All sales are on account.

Assumer that the following ratios are typical of companines inthe building supply industry:

Current ratio 2.5
Acid-test ratio 1.2
Average collection period 18 days
Average sale period 50 days
Debt-to-equity ratio 0.75
Times interest earned ratio 6.0
Return on total assets 10%
Price-earnings ratio 9

Assume that you have just inherited several hundred shares ofModern Building Supplu stock. Not being acquainted with thecompany, you decide to do some analytical work beofer making adecision about whether to retain or sell the stock you haveinherited.


1. You decide first to assess the well-being ofthe common stockholders.For both this year and last year, computethe following:

a. The earnings per share (Round your answer to2 decimal places.)

This year Last year
Earnings per share $ ? $ ?

b. The dividend yield ratio for common stock.The company's common stock is currently selling for $33.39 pershare; last year it sold for $25.72 per share (Round youintermediate calculations to 2 decimal palces and final answers to1 decimal place.)

This year Last year
Dividend yield ratio ? % ? %

c. The dividend payout ratio for common stock(Round you intermediate calculations to 2 decimal places and finalanswers to 1 decimal place.)

This year Last year
Dividend payout raito ? %

? %

d. The price-earnings ratio (Round yourintermediate calculations to 2 decimal places and final answers to1 decimal place.)

This year Last year
Price-earnings ratio ? times ? times

e. The book value per share of common stock(Round your ansers to 2 decimal places.)

This year Last year
Book value per share $ ? $ ?

2. You decide next to assess the compay's rateof return. Compute the following for bothe this year and lastyear:

a. The return on total assets (Total assets atthe beginning of last year were $2,270,000) (Round yourintermediate to whole numbers and final answer to 1 decimalplace)

This year Last year
Return on total assets ? % ?%

b.The return on common stockholders' equity.(Stockholders' equity at the beginning of last year was $1,319,000)(Round you intermediate calculations to whole numbers and finalanswer to 1 decimal place.)

This year Last year
Return on common stockholders' equity ?% ?%

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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