

10.00 points

Crowley Building Supply sells various building materials toretail outlets. The company has just approached Sycamore State Bankrequesting a $300,000 loan to strengthen the Cash account and topay certain pressing short-term obligations. The company’sfinancial statements for the most recent two years follow:

Crowley Building Supply
Comparative Balance Sheets
This Year Last Year
Current assets:
Cash $ 56,500 $ 141,500
Marketable securities 1,500 19,500
Accountsreceivable, net 476,000 288,000
Inventory 948,560 588,530
Prepaidexpenses 19,500 26,500
Total currentassets 1,502,060 1,064,030
Plant and equipment,net 1,641,620 1,546,580
Total assets $ 3,143,680 $ 2,610,610
Liabilitiesand Stockholders' Equity
Currentliabilities $ 806,000 $ 445,000
Bondspayable, 8% 616,500 616,500
Totalliabilities 1,422,500 1,061,500
Preferred stock, $25 par, 7% 318,000 318,000
Commonstock, $10 par 510,000 510,000
Retainedearnings 893,180 721,110
Total stockholders'equity 1,721,180 1,549,110
Total liabilitiesand stockholders' Equity $ 3,143,680 $ 2,610,610
Crowley Building Supply
Comparative Income Statement and Reconciliation
This Year Last Year
Sales $ 5,021,000 $ 4,363,000
Cost of goodssold 3,870,200 3,434,200
Gross margin 1,150,800 928,800
Selling andadministrative expenses 653,300 534,300
Net operatingincome 497,500 394,500
Interestexpense 49,320 49,320
Net income beforetaxes 448,180 345,180
Income taxes(35%) 156,863 120,813
Net income 291,317 224,367
Dividends paid:
Preferred dividends 22,260 22,260
Commondividends 96,987 61,497
Total dividendspaid 119,247 83,757
Net incomeretained 172,070 140,610
Retained earnings,beginning of year 721,110 580,500
Retained earnings,end of year $ 893,180 $ 721,110

During the past year, the companyhas expanded the number of lines that it carries in order tostimulate sales and increase profits. It has also movedaggressively to acquire new customers. Sales terms are 2/10, n/30.All sales are on account.

Assume that the following ratios are typical of companies in thebuilding supply industry:

Current ratio 2.5
Acid-test ratio 1.2
Average collectionperiod 18 days
Average saleperiod 50 days
Debt-to-equityratio 0.75
Times interestearned 6.0
Return on totalassets 10 %
Price-earningsratio 9


Sycamore State Bank is uncertain whether the loan should bemade. To assist it in making a decision, you have been asked tocompute the following amounts and ratios for both this year andlast year:

a. Working capital.


Current ratio. (Round your answers to 2 decimalplaces.)


Acid-test ratio. (Round your answers to 2 decimalplaces.)


Average collection period. (The accounts receivable at thebeginning of last year totaled $255,000.) (Round yourintermediate calculations and final answers to 1 decimal place. Use365 days in a year.)


Average sale period. (The inventory at the beginning of lastyear totaled $508,000.) (Round your intermediatecalculations and final answers to 1 decimal place. Use 365 days ina year.)

f. Debt-to-equity ratio.(Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)

g. Times interest earned.(Round your answers to 1 decimal place.)

2. For both this year and lastyear:


Present the balance sheet in common-size form. (Roundyour percentage answers to 1 decimal place i.e., 0.123 isconsidered as 12.3. Due to rounding, figures may not fullyreconcile down a column.)


Present the income statement in common-size form down throughnet income. (Round your percentage answers to 1 decimalplace i.e., 0.123 is considered as 12.3. Due to rounding, figuresmay not fully reconcile down a column.)

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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