PYTHON Study Guide - Final Guide: Macos

51 views1 pages
25 May 2023

Document Summary

Programming languages are not nfts or pokemon cards, they are not for collection purposes, and being proficient in numerous languages will not always lead to a job. As a beginner to programming, it is recommended to skip the majority of the commonly recommended languages as they can be time wasters or demoralize you. Two popular programming languages are c# and java. They have a large online community of support and being knowledgeable in either can absolutely lead to landing a job. For many starting in programming, learning the fundamentals can be hard enough, so a high level programming language such as python would be ideal. Php is a widely used programming language in over 70% of websites visited; however, it is recommended to avoid it. Swift and kotlin are two additional languages to avoid. Swift is primarily used for ios and macos app development, and kotlin is primarily used for android app development.