NURS 1108 Quiz: Nurse Practice Act Comparison

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6 Apr 2023

Document Summary

Each of the states and territories in the united states has specific laws that govern nursing practices. The nursing practice act (npa) defines these laws. The npa is interpreted into various regulations meant to suit various nursing boards depending on states or territories. The regulations control the way nursing care is executed in each respective state and the way laws governing nursing practice are enforced in such states or territories. This means that the npa differs in some aspects from one state to another (huynh & haddad, 2022). One of the most basic areas of comparison between the nursing practice act (npa) in florida compared to the npa in california is the professions included. In the state of florida, the npa covers licensed practicing nurses, clinical nurse specialists, registered practice nurses, registered nurses, and nursing assistants (florida board of nursing, 2022).