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15 Mar 2023

Document Summary

Earth happens to be the only known planet having a life. There are beings who live, die and become part of nature again. The living organism can be differentiated from the inanimate entities on various parameters of life processes. The process of acquiring food that is needed for nourishment and sustenance of the organism is called nutrition: there are two main modes of nutrition, autotrophic and heterotrophic, autotrophic nutrition is present in plants, algae and some bacteria. Organisms produce their own food using light energy or chemical energy by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, respectively: heterotrophic nutrition is present in bacteria, fungi and animals. Such as animals eating plants or other animals for food: heterotrophic nutrition has subtypes such as holozoic, saprophytic and parasitic nutrition. The overall reaction occurring in photosynthesis is as follows: Some organisms feed on dead and decaying organic matter.