HPS110H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Konrad Lorenz, Ethology, Appeasement

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Review questions for final exam: aggression: biological approaches. Founders of ethology (the biological study of behaviour) Claims it is innate due to evolution biological programming . Does not believe it is a negative emotion. Instinct: automatic and stereotyped behavior patterns (each species has its own) that are discharged or enacted upon the appearance of an appropriate stimulus. Aggression can be re-directed at a dangerous outsider. Personal bonds of love and friendship are only possible between individuals in species with highly developed intra-specific aggression -- and the corresponding redirection rituals. He believed that most social behaviors exist because of their adaptive value. Human social behaviors have been designed through evolution by natural selection. Aggression has various forms such as sexual aggression, aggression against enemies, asserting dominance, enforcing rules, the conquest of territory. Different types of aggression have different evolutionary uses. We should understand ourselves better, through studies in biology, psychology, and social sciences.