NURS 6201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Heart Valve, Aortic Valve

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18 Aug 2021

Document Summary

Ldl < 130 high risk cad > 160. Can help determine if dyspnea is respiratory or cardiac based. Iv drug therapy: titrated to decrease map < 25% in first hour: map = (sbp + 2dbp) / 3 (at least 60, usually between 70-110) Vessel lumen becomes narrowed and blood flow is reduced. What events or activities precipitated the pain? (stress, exercise, rest: q (quality of pain) What does the pain feel like? (pressure, dull, ache, heavy: r (radiation of pain) Does it go to other areas? (back, neck, jaw: s (severity of pain) scale of 1 to 10, t (timing) Stable angina- < 10 min; unstable angina- 20+ min: medications, ntg use premedicate with physical activity, once open, ntg only good for 6 mo in cool, dark place. *collateral circulation- develops over time around blockage degree determines outcome of mi. Older = more collateral circulation may see less damage vs. younger with poor-developed cc.