ANT215H5 Midterm: Lecture Notes (1-3)

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13 Jun 2021

Document Summary

May 4, 2021 lecture 1: here are some translations of a famous passage from plato"s republic. (352d, socrates is debating the nature of justice with a sophist named thrasymachus, whose arguments we will consider next week. Socrates has just concluded an argument which purports to show that justice is virtue and wisdom. But, he says, there is another question - do the just live a happier and better life than the unjust: this question, he says, has still to be answered. He urges the group to look into it more closely as it is, not something incidental . Does the good person live a better life than one who is selfish, dishonest, unreliable etc. How do you make the argument that the just person lives a better life than the unjust: one has to show that being good will lead to a happier life more so than just being.