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Harvey Swadlow
James Chrobak
Sumarga Suanda
Alexandra Paxton
J. Dixon

Verified Documents for Harvey Swadlow

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
PSYC 1100 Lecture 1: 1/22/19
PSYC 1100 Lecture 2: Psych 1/24/19 (Updated)
Science is a process aimed at gaining a type of empirical knowledge. Lots of different types of knowledge: empirical and nonempirical. Empirical knowle
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Intelligent Design, Determinism, Solipsism
Can we create laws for emotion, thought, cognition, etc. People"s opinion of this is based on their beliefs on other issues like: Evolution vs creation
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Psychophysical Parallelism, Solipsism, Epiphenomenalism
Materialism-- only made up of matter and energy (scientists" view) Solipsism-- only made up of our mind (real world is an illusion) (unpopular view) Du
PSYC 1100 Lecture 5: Psych 2/5/19
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Peripheral Nervous System, Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerve
Resting potential: inside neuron is -70mv (measurement of energy) with respect to outside of neuron. Due to different concentrations of ions inside and
PSYC 1100 Lecture 7: Psych 2_12_19
Central nervous system: bilateral symmetry so there are relational terms. Carries sensory information to brain through axonal tracts. If spinal cord is
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Frontal Lobe, Basal Ganglia, Auditory Cortex
Nuclear structures (there are a lot but these are the important ones): Basal ganglia (clump of cells, involved in motor functions, when it loses dopami
PSYC 1100 Lecture 9: Psych 2_19_19
Left hemisphere controls right side of body, vice versa. Lot of functional symmetry, but also functional asymmetry of hemispheres. Damage to left front
PSYC 1100 Lecture 10: Psych 2_21_19
Generally have 24/25 hour natural cycle; naturally fall into cycle even without seeing sun. Don"t know why we evolved into this cycle or why certain ag
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Sleep Paralysis, Nasal Cycle, Reticular Formation
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Absolute Threshold, Sound Intensity
Defined as detecting and discriminating different types and amounts of energies. Empiricists like locke and hume say all knowledge comes from the sense
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Visual Cortex, Sclera, Ciliary Muscle
Respond to physical energy and convert it into language for nervous system (nervous system only understands ions) Highly selective for types/ subtypes
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Color Vision, Rhodopsin, Retina
Duplicity theory of vision-- mammals have two types of vision, one used in the day, one used in the night. Much convergence and divergence to bipolar c
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Visual Cortex, Two-Streams Hypothesis, Receptive Field
Receptive field of a sensory neuron-- region of the receptor surface from which the neuron is either excited or inhibited. Hubel and weisel"s hierarchi
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Basilar Membrane, Auditory Cortex, Two-Streams Hypothesis
By the amplitude of vibration in the basilar membrane. This determines how hard the hair cells are pulled. Von helmholtz: place theory, based on resona
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Depth Perception, Stereopsis, Inferior Temporal Gyrus
Identical sensations can yield different perceptions (ex: ambiguous figures) Different sensations can yield identical/ constant perceptions (the. Const
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Tabula Rasa, Depth Perception
Perceptual abilities are passed down through genetics. If you can do something right after birth without any experiences, it must be from genetics (nat
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Tabula Rasa, Learning, Classical Conditioning
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Reinforcement, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Reinforcement, Latent Learning, Observational Learning
Partial reinforcement-- longer to acquire and extinguish, don"t get rewarded every time. Number of times you respond: number of rewards you get. Not to
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory, Mental Calculation
There are three stages of memory: encoding (getting information into the brain), storage (storing the information), and retrieval (remembering the info
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Implicit Memory
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Long-Term Potentiation, Nmda Receptor, Synaptic Plasticity
Engram-- physical change in the brain due to memories. Mass action: engram is distributed throughout the cortex, not just in one place. Some implicit m
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Stuffed Toy, Drive Theory, Rebar
Love motivates imprinting (and lots of other things) There is a critical period for developing an attachment to their mother. Ducks follow their mother
PSYC 1100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Blood Sugar, Drive Theory, Fluid Balance
Homeostasis-- the body"s tendency to keep a constant internal environment. Body wants to keep homeostatic mechanisms at their optimal level. Ex: body t