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Derek Johnson
O. Svalestad

Verified Documents for Derek Johnson

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Friedrich Hayek
Main ideas: economics studies our material world, economics studies how societies provide for the material well being of their members. Society"s wealt
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Microeconomics, Capitalism, Federal Reserve System
Econ 1202 - lecture #2 - principles of macroeconomics. What do we study in macroeconomics: we study the aggregate economy. The level and changes in a n
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Federal Funds Rate, Federal Reserve System, January 30
Central bank of the united states is the federal reserve. Regulates the quantity of money in the economy and determines/controls short term interest ra
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Federal Reserve System, Money Supply, Federal Reserve Note
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Opportunity Cost, Capital Good, Capital Accumulation
Right now economy : has gone from trough to expansion, it is in expansionary phase and at its peak (however this could be bad, question is where we are
ECON 1202 Lecture 5: Markets, Supply & Demand
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Market Clearing, Opportunity Cost, Shortage
Topics: price and output determination, value and cost, equilibrium price and quantity. Demand: one"s ability and willingness to pay in relation to the
ECON 1202 Lecture 7: Tariffs and Smith
Assume that the world price is lower than the domestic price for higher levels of domestic output. World price: price of good that prevails in the worl
ECON 1202 Lecture 8: Demand:Supply for Bonds & Calculating GDP
Demand and supply: bonds a increase in demand raises prices a decrease in demand lowers price. Demand and supply exists for nancial assets: stocks. Us
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Gross Domestic Product, Negative Number, Transfer Payment
Total value of the output of goods and services produced equals total expenditure of or on those goods and services equals total incomes earned from th
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Time 100, Deflation, Federal Open Market Committee
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Business Cycle, Loanable Funds, United States Treasury Security
Connections between business cycle, in ation, unemployment: see higher rates of in ation during expansion of economy, see lower rates during trough. No
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Nominal Interest Rate, Real Interest Rate, Economy Picking
Nominal interest rate = real interest rate + in ation rate + risk of default. Current economic landscape: rgdp: 4. 2% (2018 q2), and 3. 4% (2018 q3) (g
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Ob River, Red Tape, Nairu
Structural unemployment: two forces that drive it. Economic structure of the economy: long term mismatch between the skills and attributes of workers a
ECON 1202 Lecture 18: Robert Malthus
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Human Capital, Industrial Revolution, Skilled Worker
Dev; d/l econ of scale/hc: longer life expectancy -> human capital formulation. Increase: higher fertility rate -> human capital formulation. Dec
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Creative Destruction, Human Capital, Production Function
Original growth technologically critical: no real explanation of how technological change occurs. New growth: same framework, seek better understanding
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Fitch Ratings, Investment Banking, Capital Market
Financial markets: critical to economic growth, encourages greater savings, encourages greater investments, e ciently channels savings into investments
ECON 1202 Lecture 22: Aggregate Demand and Supply
Capital market: primary: initial sale of stocks and/or bonds and the issuers get the dough, secondary: reselling of existing stock and/or bonds; issuer
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Demand Curve
Y = c + i + g + nx: total income = total expenditure, total expenditure = total or aggregate demand (ad, ad = c + i + g + nx. Already have been talking
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Nominal Rigidity
What kind of economic stu : supply shocks, errors in expected in ation, wage rigidity, wages don"t go up as fast as prices, they are sticky, they do no
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Productive Forces, Dialectic, Dynamite Entertainment
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Policy Review, Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply
Policies when there are economic shocks: aggregate demand and/or supply shocks. Fiscal and monetary policies: short run stabilization policies. Crowdin
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Bank Reserves, Money Supply, Reserve Requirement
Fomc (where monetary policy is formulated: 7 members of the board of governors, 5 of the 12 regional bank presidents, meets every 6 weeks, discusses th
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: United States Treasury Security, Business Cycle, Aggregate Demand
Quantity theory of money: direct connection in the long run between supply of money and in ation, if production is limited/ xed and we have more money,
ECON 1202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Phillips Curve, Monetarism, Aggregate Demand
Note: when in ation is expected: people take it into account in terms of their contracts, results in new sr phillips curve with higher in ation expecta